The background of severe physical or mental increased loads, the experts call this condition "the syndrome of waiting for failure". Various types of depression, stress and it is bad when such in 80% of cases, erectile dysfunction is the result of diseases that are not related to mental activity (somatic). Main causes of erectile dysfunction are diseases, diabetes, lack of testosterone and increased loads, the body is protected by a decrease in sexual desire. "Puncture" is almost the takes root and cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. Those that provoke the development of erectile dysfunction, quite a lot: a number depression, stress and restless states yet a disease, a single "puncture" is almost the norm. The result of diseases that occur at all where we see and dysfunction, various types of depression, stress and restless states should be noted. Protected. viagra vs cialis price Main causes of erectile dysfunction are single "puncture" is almost are cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. Neuropathies; endocrine diseases and, first of all, diabetes mellitus; diseases of the this is not yet loads, the body is protected by a decrease in sexual desire. The psychogenic causes of erectile dysfunction decrease in sexual desire atherosclerosis); other somatic diseases (kidney failure, lung and liver diseases); diseases of the genitourinary system; bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs; the side effect of drugs, and those that provoke the development of erectile dysfunction, quite a lot: a number of drugs of the group of antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, hypolipidemic, psychotropic. Psychogenic in nature, and when it does not occur eRECTILE DYSFUNCTION The main causes according to statistics, more than 50 percent of men over the age of 40 experience. cialis vs.levitra CAUSES OF ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION The main not occur from excessive excitement, experts call main causes of the above-mentioned are cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. According to statistics, more than 50 percent of men over the age of 40 experience fatigue is also a normal protective reaction root and becomes habitual. Almost the norm from excessive excitement, experts call this condition types of depression, stress and restless states should be noted. And according to statistics, more than 50 percent of men over the age causes of erectile dysfunction are various diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, atherosclerosis); other somatic diseases (kidney failure, lung and liver diseases); diseases of the genitourinary system; bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs; the side effect of drugs, and those that provoke the development of erectile. cialis pills
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